Whether you start the Old Town and New Town Tour at Wenceslas Square or Old Town Square all the remarkable sights and monuments hidden in the maze of medieval streets and courtyards of Prague are waiting to be discovered. Old Town Hall with the Astronomical Clock is a must, Ungelt and St. James’s Church will amaze you and the Old Jewish Quarter with its Jewish Museum and Old Jewish Cemetery will add to your knowledge of Jewish history and traditions. The Estate Theatre and its association with Mozart, the Charles University, the foundation of New Town, the legend of St. Wenceslas and the dramatic years of 1968 and 1989 will make you to believe that time machines really do exist.

Tour information

Tour duration: 3 to 4 hours

Price includes a qualified guide speaking your chosen language;it does not include admission fees.

Tour Sights

Wenceslas Square, National Museum, Estates Theatre, Charles University, Powder Tower, Municipal House, Ungelt, St. James Church, Old Town Square, Old Town Hall, Astronomical Clock, St. Nicolas Church, Church of Our Lady Before Tyn, Charles Bridge

Prices and Booking

Prices vary depending on the chosen language and number of persons attending. Please send us an email request at gotravelprague@email.cz