The origins of Konopištĕ Castle are wrapped in a shroud of mystery. It may have happened in a time following a period of anarchy and unrest that a Gothic citadel was built. Since 14th century it has gone through countless architectural changes. It was Archduke Ferdinand d’Este, the Heir of Hapsburg throne that gave Konopištĕ its last makeover. Until his assassination in Sarajevo in 1914 which triggered WWI he lived here with his lovely wife Sophie and their children. The Chateau chambers were richly decorated with the collections inherited from the Modena’s archdukes of d’Este and numerous hunting trophies on the walls as silent witnesses of Franz Ferdinand´s hunting passion.
The Konopištĕ interiors tours give you the opportunity to walk through rooms which look the same as by the time Ferdinand d’Este and his family lived here. You can find out how they dined, slept, entertained themselves and what they were interested in. The two most dear to the heart of Ferdinand d’Este collections are kept at Konopištĕ – The Este Armory, a collection of period arms and armour ranked among the most valuable in the world and his collection referred to St.George.
A baroque Rose garden with hothouses full of exotic plants, a vast park with peacocks strolling around, a picturesque lake and a bear moat are yet to be discovered before you leave back to the city rush. 

Konopištĕ Castle is situated approximately one hour drive south of Prague, near the town of Benešov. We arrive to the castle park area and a 10 minutes walk takes us to the chateau, where we join a Castle interiors tour guided by a local guide. During the tour you will see antique furnishings, paintings, tapestry, arms and armour and a stunning collection of hunting trophies. After the Castle interiors tour you can stroll by your own around the castle park and the Rose garden taking pictures or you can just relax at the Castle Café for a while.

Tour information

Konopištĕ Castle Tour duration: 5 to 6 hours
Suggested starting time: not later than 10 am

Price includes a qualified guide speaking your chosen language. It does not include admission fees and transport costs; transport costs may vary depending on exact number of persons.

Please visit Konopištĕ Castle website for detailed information, opening hours and admissions.

Note that Konopištĕ Castle is closed December, January, February and March.

Tour Sights

Konopištĕ Castle

Prices and Booking

Prices depend on the chosen language and number of persons attending.
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